Good day all,
i'm a newbie in programming and arduino, i'm currently working on a project that needs to do data logging of temperature and ph from the the sensors, and the data collected should be real time(date,time) but i wanted to know if it is possible to directly do that with the arduino uno and save the data directly to the pc instead of a sd card, if it is so how can one go about writing a code that would do that.
thank you for your help
Send the data over serial. Have an application on the PC that reads the data from serial and writes to a file.
Gobetwino (Gadgets og teknologi | Dansk Tech Blog - Mikmo) can handle the PC side for you, including timestamping the data.
thank you so much for your reply, i will try that out...once again thank you but will the code be the same as just trying to communicate serially with the computer using Tx and Rx pins?
thank you