data reading and sending via ip network

I am creating a project where I will have several variables to carry out the reading, among them temperature, humidity, working time of certain equipment, air flow, among other quantities to be collected by the plate.
With this data collected I would like to be sending it to a server so that it can be processed in the form of reports and graphs and possible integration with APP to be created.

I would like to know if anyone already has something in this model or inform me of any idea to start working.

I use several environmental sensors that send data back to a server in JSON format for processing in Node-Red and storing in an Influx database.
An example JSON string is...


D = Device name (So I know what room the sensor readings are from).
N = Packet number (counts from 0 to 255 and the then resets. Just to indicate I'm getting regular readings).
T = Temperature.
P = Pressure.
A = Altitude (Not really needed but the BME280 has it so I send it).
H = Humidity.
V = Voltage (The sensors run on battery)