DAW MIDI Controller - Arduino limits

Finished a small prototype, mostly to test how everything works and now thinking on moving to the project i had initially in mind.
So, planning to make a USB Class MIDI controller to control a DAW/DJ software with ..
32 push buttons using 4 x 74HC165 Bit Shifter (4 Digital pins)
23 leds + 8 RGB leds using 6 x 74HC595 Bit shifters (4 Digital pins), not sure about the RGB leds though, as these need to have dimming to get all colors (looking...)
1 Potentiometer to A0
3 Pushed Encoders, probably another 74HC165
1 OLED Display using I2C (pins 2,3 in Leonardo)
More or less, will occupy almost all Digital pins

My questions are ..

  1. Will i have some powering issues ? Assuming that at some point, the majority of the leds will be turned on, and most demand around 20mA, i assume the USB power wont be enough, or probably reach the Arduino maximum capability.
    If i reach there, will a PSU save my day , or still too ambitious for Arduino ?

  2. Will there be an issue with latency ? With all these checks, not sure how fast response the final product will have.

  3. I currently own Arduino Leonardo for prototypes and Pro Micro for final projects.
    Are these good enough for such a project or suggest some other ?

PS. I have prepared and tested a prototype using just a small portion of the above and works fine, just need to know if i waste my time building the above or alternatives


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