dB(A) readings?


is there any solution to measure dB(A) (human spectrum) sound power levels with basic electronicvs or any affordable IC that outputs anything that can be converted to human readible values? :slight_smile:

I have a cheap chinese SPL-meter, but I need those numbers in binary form to save and process it. Since it uses not more than a mic + ADC + properity µC it must be doable?

dB(A) seems to be a hard nut.... can't believe no company built a chip for that.

I assume it's done with analog filters (made with op-amps) and a "cheap" SPL meter doesn't have to be "perfect" and they are rarely calibrated, since periodic/annual calibration could cost more than the cheap meter.

You can search for a "logging" SPL meter.

Yeah, did already. Though nothing was actually small enough or in a price-range that I could think about it.... :confused:

What about this chip, btw?:

This looks good, though I'm not sure if this is usable for dB(A)?

They have more: RMS to DC Converters | Analog Devices

Though nothing was actually small enough or in a price-range that I could think about it..

If you told us about what you consider your price range then maybe we would not waste time looking at solutions that are too expensive for you.