Your bot is really sophisticated, you should have spent a lot of time on this project
Is there any reason why the gyro is placed at the bottom? Intuitively I would think it was better to place it near the 'top'.
Feel free to correct me, I read somewhere it eliminates uncertainty with the readings.
You are right, we want to measure gravity angles, not movements.
IMU board should be located near the weels (axe of rotation) to reduce noise sensors
Hardware: 2 x 29:1 12V Gearmotors, SN754410NE H-Bridge, Arduino Nano 3.0, Sparkfun 5DOF IMU.
For the expensive parts (IMU, motors), You have the right hardware
Yes, one motor responses quicker/more than the other. I know this is sad, I didn't know it accepts -255 to 255. I though it was only 0-255.
My left motor is 10% slower than the left one, that the nature of the beasts, this is adjusted within function "Drive_Motor(int torque)" in the Motor Module, this adjustment is not PID related.
The motors accept only 0 to 255, the sign determines the direction of rotation
Again, this will be treated in "Drive_Motor(int torque)"
Gibby663, I suspect that your signal aquisition and processing is not adequate.
For you and possibly additional lurkers, I am willing to start from the very begining and rebuild the bot together
I am sure you already know most of the info to come, just look for the details
For convenience, you will have to remove you breadboard from the bot (I did)
Ready ??? OK!!!
I invented nothing
I read A LOT and went by trial and error
__ ** Balancing robot for dummies **__
Part one: sensor, setup and fixed time loop
Stay tuned, I will open, later this afternoon, a new thread with a more relevant title than "DC motor control with PID".