DC output control of Arduino UNO & Wifi Module Goouuu Mini S-1

My Wifi Module is: Goouuu Mini S-1, I had connect 2 sensors with this wifi module.

My problem is when the voltage power is supplied into the Wifi Module, "If the 5V or 3.3V output is connected into a complete circuit when powered up", it will not run the code I had put into it.

It can only be solved by this procedure:

  1. Plug off the wire of 5V or 3.3V output pin (for sensor)
  2. Power ON the Wifi Module
  3. Code run normally...
  4. Plug on the wire of 5V or 3.3V output pin (for sensor)

So I'm curious about can we control the DC output of Arduino UNO or Wifi Module directly with coding?

I'm also new with Wifi Module, this Goouuu Mini S-1 is a very rare module which is hard to find any tutorial about this.

I hope there is any topic about connecting my project into server via Arduino+Wifi Module or Wifi Module only. I need this knowledge from Zero to everything if possible...

Sounds like you are using GPIO 0, 2 [D3, D4].
They are polled at boot up - and their state at that point effects that.
GPIO 0 and 2, basically, can not have anything connected to GND. (You can't have an LED+resistor to GND).

See "Boot modes" (first page) --

Sounds like you are using GPIO 0, 2 [D3, D4].
They are polled at boot up - and their state at that point effects that.
GPIO 0 and 2, basically, can not have anything connected to GND. (You can't have an LED+resistor to GND).

See "Boot modes" (first page) --
A Beginner's Guide to the ESP8266

Thanks a lot!!!