Hi. I'm using DCC++ base station with a doit motor board (2 motors and 16 servos). Have modified sketch to use this board and locos respond to throttle commands. My problem is with the servos. I've added wire.h but I've no signals on SCL nor SDA despite using 1k5 pull up resistors. Help!
This isn't a model railroad forum. What percentage of the readers here do you think are familiar with DCC and have any opinions on how it may or may not affect your Arduino?
It would be appropriate to provide links to all the devices you are using along with a diagram of how you have connected things and a copy of your code.
@FrenchSR, if you are implementing DCC on an Arduino then you are certainly welcome to ask questions here. However we need a lot more information if we are to help.
What Arduino board are you using?
What is a "doit motor board" - post a link to its datasheet.
What is Wire.h and the SCL and SDA signals being used for? - they don't normally have any role in controlling a servo with the Servo library.
Post your program.
PS ... DCC is sooo yesterday. Battery Powered Radio Control is the future
Sorry, should have given more info. Using Arduino nano and trying to use i2c hence SCL and SDA signals. Apparently alternative use of A4 and A5. The 16 channel servo outputs are from an ic using these signals. How do I implement SCL and SDA.
Sorry, should have given more info. Using Arduino nano and trying to use i2c hence SCL and SDA signals. Apparently alternative use of A4 and A5. The 16 channel servo outputs are from an ic using these signals. How do I implement SCL and SDA.
Where is the rest of the information I requested in Reply #2 ?
Use the Wire library for I2C.
Hello. The board is a 2 way motor and 16 way servo shield and the manual is on www.smartarduino.com/view.php?id=94896 or Manual for 2-way motor & 16-way servo shield board.
The main arduino sketch is Dccpp_uno..
Hope this is the required info.
Look forward to any response.
do yourself a favor and ignore QuickReply - it's useless. Use Reply in the small rectangular block
Reply lets you use the </> Code tag on the left side of the menu bar, which lets you post code without smilies. It gives other people the option to copy your code with one button click
Reply lets you post URLs in a clickable format with a proper title
[DCC Board](http://www.smartarduino.com/view.php?id=94896 or Manual for 2-way motor & 16-way servo shield board)
and either post "Dccpp_uno.." in code tags, attach it, or link to it, because I'm not going to chase your unicorns on my time.
all of this is explained in the same sticky in every subforum: The universal sticky
Hello. The board is a 2 way motor and 16 way servo shield and the manual is on www.smartarduino.com/view.php?id=94896 or bbs.smartarduino.com/showthread.php?tid=2044.
That seems to be an ESP8266 microprocessor dressed up to match the layout of an Uno. A program for it is likely to be significantly different from a program for an Uno or Mega. Not only is there WiFi but there are also fewer I/O pins.
And the statement in your Original Post
I've added wire.h but I've no signals on SCL nor SDA despite using 1k5 pull up resistors.
still does not make any sense. You need to provide a great deal more information. It may all be in your head and on your workbench, but we cannot see it.
You can do all of that from quick reply. Of all my posts I have used reply only a few times, when I wanted to add an attachment.
Have you noticed where the 'Quote' option takes you?