DCF 77 Module Problems..

Hello! I have bought a DCF 77 module to create a nice little clock using 7-segment displays.

I tried to use this code to get the DCF up and running..

No success.. I have an arduino diecimila..

Any suggestions? :-[

There is some Arduino DCF77 code in the playground. If that doesn't work for you, I have a library I use but haven't converted it to 0012 yet. Let me know if you need it and I will update and post it here

the link at the playground is pointing to the code I am already trying to get up and running. I've tried also to use another pull up resistor (4.7kOhm) but no success... :-/

I think the code in your link is a later version than the code linked in the playground, although that may not be material to your problem.

There is a lot of debug info in that code, have you enabled it and can you use it to narrow down the problem.

BTW, what is the problem? Is anything working (i.e. is LED 13 flashing?)