hi i reecently came across an issue with my arduino which i hope is not too servere. when i try to upload a sketch i get the error message: "avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00" in addition to that, the atMega chip gets extremely hot(to the point where i have to remove my finger). im not sure if thats normal as ive never touched it before. please help!!
...in addition to that, the atMega chip gets extremely hot(to the point where i have to remove my finger). im not sure if thats normal as ive never touched it before...
That is not normal.
Other than a USB cable, what is connected to your Uno?
Usually when that hot, an IO pin has been damaged, and it's just a matter of time until the chip dies. Or it's dead already.
right now absolutly nothing...i tried uploading a sketch with nothing plugged in and still....tried it on a different pc and same thing:?
Sounds dead.
Does the loopback test work?
If yes, time for a new chip
Here's one source with low shipping costs
ahhh okay well il try the loop back test (which ive never heard of before so it may take a while to figure out haha) and otherwise...there is a place that sells the ATMEGA328-PU but not the 328P...are those okay as a replacement?
Not for a beginner - have to fool around with signature bytes to program them. Once get past that, they are nearly identical.
You have a way to install a bootloader? If not, at least get one bootloaded part to start so you can use the Arduino as a programmer for blank parts.
okay i understand. another shop nearby sells one ass follows "ATmega328 with Arduino Optiboot (Uno)" for quite cheap... it doesnt specify 328P nor the -PU at the end but if its pre loaded could it work? otherwise il go for the one you suggested?
if its pre loaded could it work?