Hi everybody, what is the best debugger to arduino code?
Which processor and which version of the IDE are you using ?
I'm using Arduino UNO and Mega with Arduino IDE 2.0.3
Then your options are limited, probably non existent due to the processors used
I understand, but how can I find a error in mi code when something does not work, I used to program Microchip in Mplab IDE, in this software if I can do debug, I would like to do same with arduino.
Start by looking carefully at any error messages and fix problems that are reported
For debugging the logic of a sketch then you can print the value of pertinent variables at appropriate points in the sketch, particularly before decision points such as if/while. This will tell you if program flow is going as you expect and that variables have reasonable values at that point
Ok UKHeliBob, thank so much for your advices
I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news for you. As you may have gathered from my question there are debuggers available for some processors but I have no experience of them
For basic testing with currently supported hardware models,
Wokwi - Online Arduino and ESP32 Simulator
Build-out the basic code structure and then move final touches to test hardware.
Don't worry, I appreciate your willingness to help me.
Thanks mrburnette, I'll take a look.
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