Decimilia suddenly dead; what to do?

I was playing with a 7-segmented display when suddenly the arduino stopped working. Also when hooked up to a 9V battery nothing happens, no lights, nothing. At the 5V pin I measure 0.01V at the 9V pin 0.4V.
I did not use any resistors, so it could be something has blown up. I have tried replacing the chip but that does't help. Is there anything I can check or replace? Or should I buy a new board.

Help is appreciated.


I thought the Arduino's had current limiting? My Duemilanove seems to just reset itself continuously when it's overloaded ? Maybe you shorted something?

If nothing is working, the only thing I could think of is a dead regulator.

BTW, by replacing the chip, do you mean the ATMEGA?
If you replaced it with a new one, you probably need to shove the bootloader onto it before it'll do anything at all.

Hi Things,

Thanks for your reply. The Arduino was running the current program while I was working on the next program. So I did not short circuit anything. The running program was displaying "A" and "8" alternating, so it could mean a relatively lot of current continuiously.
I replaced my new 328 Atmega with the old 168 Atmega. Both do nothing.
So I go looking for the regulator now.

I thought the Arduino's had current limiting?

You thought wrong, there is no current limiting apart from the normal output impedance and that will not limit the current to a safe level.
You need resistors, see:-
For a description of why.