I was playing with a 7-segmented display when suddenly the arduino stopped working. Also when hooked up to a 9V battery nothing happens, no lights, nothing. At the 5V pin I measure 0.01V at the 9V pin 0.4V.
I did not use any resistors, so it could be something has blown up. I have tried replacing the chip but that does't help. Is there anything I can check or replace? Or should I buy a new board.
I thought the Arduino's had current limiting? My Duemilanove seems to just reset itself continuously when it's overloaded ? Maybe you shorted something?
If nothing is working, the only thing I could think of is a dead regulator.
BTW, by replacing the chip, do you mean the ATMEGA?
If you replaced it with a new one, you probably need to shove the bootloader onto it before it'll do anything at all.
Thanks for your reply. The Arduino was running the current program while I was working on the next program. So I did not short circuit anything. The running program was displaying "A" and "8" alternating, so it could mean a relatively lot of current continuiously.
I replaced my new 328 Atmega with the old 168 Atmega. Both do nothing.
So I go looking for the regulator now.
You thought wrong, there is no current limiting apart from the normal output impedance and that will not limit the current to a safe level.
You need resistors, see:- http://www.thebox.myzen.co.uk/Tutorial/LEDs.html
For a description of why.