Declaration errors

I get a few errors in following file I'm including in the .yaml file in ESPHome:

#include "esphome.h"

class MyCustomComponent : public Component, public UARTDevice {
  MyCustomComponent(UARTComponent *parent) : UARTDevice(parent) {}

  void setup() override {
    // nothing to do here
  void loop() override {
    // Use Arduino API to read data, for example
    String line = readString();
    int i = parseInt();
    while (available()) {
      char c = read();
    // etc

Can't upload to my Wemos D1 mini because of:

A) error : 'readString' is not declared in scope
B) ParseInt is not declared in scope

Can anyone help me with this ?

Thanks !



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Did you mean to use Serial.readString() and Serial.parseInt() ?

No, I got this code from the ESPhome website and says this code :-/

To use Arduino features you need an Arduino sketch. Does your source file have the .ino extension?

If this is a .cpp file separate from the sketch, add #include <Ardiuno.h> at the top to define the Arduino functions.

Please post a link to the page that you got the code from

HI UKHeliBob,

This is the link to the page. I'm trying to get a UART Ultrasonic sensor to communicate with my Wemos D1 mini


Bart Weemaels

Hi Joh,

This is probably where I'm lost. I'm using ESPHome, where I have a yaml file that refers to a .h file. This .h file is located in my esphome folder. Like you said, the .h file is not using the arduino specific functions properly



I see no link


Here's the link : Custom UART Device — ESPHome



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