Im trying to declare an array of multiple L298N drivers but there is something missing
first I declare two drivers:
L298NX2 motor[2] = {
{M_ENA, M_IN1, M_IN2, M_ENB, M_IN3, M_IN4},
{M_ENA2, M_IN5, M_IN6, M_ENB2, M_IN7, M_IN8}};
I declare a function where I want to use it:
void driveMotor(uint8_t index, L298NX2 motor[]);
But when I am trying to use it as below I get error:
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
driveMotor(i, motor[i], val[i], driverPwm[i], threshold);
no suitable conversion function from "L298NX2" to "L298NX2 *" existsC/C++(413)
Im not to familliar with c++ so maybe there is something I wont get in the code?
You promised to pass a pointer to a L298NX2, but you passed a copy of one element.
Why do you want to pass the array and an index, instead a reference to the selected element?
Why are these different (number and type of parameters)?
driveMotor(i, motor[i], val[i], driverPwm[i], threshold);
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Im still struggling with pointers. How do I this properly then? How do I pass a pointer to L298NX2?
You only presented a snippet of your code, I have no clue what you want to do,
so it's impossible for me to tell you how to do it right.
I can show you some things, that can be done.
struct Dummy {
uint8_t val;
} someDummies[] = {
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
void oneRef(Dummy& elm) {
void onePtr(Dummy* pElm) {
void ptrAndCount(Dummy* pElm, uint8_t count) {
for (uint8_t index = 0; index < count; index++) {
for (uint8_t index = 0; index < count; index++) {
Serial.println((pElm + index)->val);
void setup() {
for (Dummy& elm : someDummies) {
ptrAndCount(someDummies, sizeof(someDummies) / sizeof(someDummies[0]));
void loop() {}
maybe this helps..
// Define the stepper motor and the pins that is connected to
//construct steppers first..
AccelStepper stepper1(1, 2, 5); // (Typeof driver: with 2 pins, STEP, DIR)
AccelStepper stepper2(1, 3, 6);
//make an array of steppers and add pointers to the steppers..
AccelStepper *steppers[2] = {&stepper1,&stepper2};
//access stepper in array..
good luck.. ~q
Thanks yes I got it working.
So &
is the address reference?
And *
is to tell something to point to that variable name to be called later?
was a new syntax for me ... what does it do exactly
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& takes the address of something, -> accesses members via pointers.
References are constant pointers that are automatically dereferencing, like [] dereferences.
ptr->element and (*ptr).element are the same, like &ptr[4] and ptr+4.
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the * mean the array is an array of pointers..
the & adds the pointer reference into the array..
glad you got it..
December 16, 2023, 6:35pm
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