declaring lilypad arduino in processing

Is declaring a lilypad arduino in processing the same text as declaring a normal arduino? For instance
Arduino arduino;

Or does it have to be named something else?

I have a project all sewn on my clothing and I'm thinking the real reason for it not working is either stitching or code errors. im so lost it's not even funny. i wish there were more tutorials on the lilypad and conductive textiles. :frowning:

When you're working on a project, it's probably best to make sure all the parts function individually, and then as a system, BEFORE you sew them into garments.

There's nothing you need to put in the code/sketch that says "hey, this is an Arduino!" or "hey, this is a Lilypad!"

The code has to compile and be uploaded to the processor, and to do that, you have to select the proper type of hardware from the Board menu. It may not mention "Lilypad" explicitly, I think they are functionally identical to the "Diecimilia" board type.

If you are using the Arduino arduino; statement, it implies that you have the firmata sketch loaded on the lilypad. Do you?

I guess I somehow miss the point of sewing the lilypad into clothing, and then running a wire to the computer to have a Processing sketch control the lilypad.