I'm building an arduino based drone that has an IMU loop that runs at 500Hz, see below;
void GetIMU(){
float gain=0.99; //comp. filter gain
float filter=0.08;
uint32_t IMUStartT = micros();
uint16_t IMUdT = IMUStartT - IMUFinT; //dT for each computation of the IMU loop
if(IMUdT >= IMUlooptime){
/*int16_t*/ Accel_X = Wire.read()<<8 | Wire.read();
int16_t Accel_Y = Wire.read()<<8 | Wire.read();
int16_t Accel_Z = Wire.read()<<8 | Wire.read();
int16_t Temp = Wire.read()<<8 | Wire.read();
int16_t Gyro_X = Wire.read()<<8 | Wire.read();
int16_t Gyro_Y = Wire.read()<<8 | Wire.read();
int16_t Gyro_Z = Wire.read()<<8 | Wire.read();
Accel_X = Accel_X - Accel_X_offset;
Accel_Y = Accel_Y - Accel_Y_offset;
Accel_Z = Accel_Z - Accel_Z_offset;
Accel_X_Filter = Accel_X_Filter + filter*(Accel_X - Accel_X_Filter);
Accel_Y_Filter = Accel_Y_Filter + filter*(Accel_Y - Accel_Y_Filter);
Accel_Z_Filter = Accel_Z_Filter + filter*(Accel_Z - Accel_Z_Filter);
/*float*/ Acc_Angle_X = atan2(Accel_Y_Filter, sqrt( Accel_X_Filter*Accel_X_Filter + Accel_Z_Filter*Accel_Z_Filter ) )*57.30;
/*float*/ Acc_Angle_Y = atan2(Accel_X_Filter, sqrt( Accel_Y_Filter*Accel_Y_Filter + Accel_Z_Filter*Accel_Z_Filter ) )*57.30;
float IMUdt_Const = (IMUdT*0.0000000152579); //65LSB/d/s, micros, 1/65540000= 0.00001525..
float Xdelta = compangleX + (Gyro_X*IMUdt_Const); // calculates first bit of comp. filter eq.
compangleX = gain*Xdelta + (1-gain)*Acc_Angle_X;
float Ydelta = compangleY + (Gyro_Y*IMUdt_Const); // calculates first bit of comp. filter eq.
compangleY = gain*Ydelta + (1-gain)*Acc_Angle_Y;
YawRate = (-Gyro_Z/65.54);
IMUFinT = IMUStartT; // leave in IF loop, then only computed when If=true.
I connected the code up to some hardware and had a sluggish response from the servos which are controlled in another function. So to debug I started printing variables to the serial monitor to watch them in real time. As some of these variables were declared in the sub-routine I then redeclared them globally at the start of the sketch and found that this made a dramatic improvement in the servo response time.
/*float*/ Acc_Angle_X = atan2(Accel_Y_Filter, sqrt( Accel_X_Filter*Accel_X_Filter + Accel_Z_Filter*Accel_Z_Filter ) )*57.30;
/*float*/ Acc_Angle_Y = atan2(Accel_X_Filter, sqrt( Accel_Y_Filter*Accel_Y_Filter + Accel_Z_Filter*Accel_Z_Filter ) )*57.30;
I initially declared one of these variables for Acc_Angle_ globally and one within the loop and one servo was updating instantly and one was updating with a noticeable amount of lag. Once both of these were commented out and declared at the beginning of the sketch, the problem of the servo lag went away.
My question is why?
Knowing this I can hopefully speed it up in other places too. Thanks.