Anyone remember rot13? I had a co-worker who wrote a program that would automatically decode rot-x encoded text by checking the letter frequency of the attempted decode to see if it matched standardized samples of "english."
Answer: You mannaged, once again! What was that about rot-13? I'm intrigued...
Back in the days of Usenet "maroons" were kept from directly reading potentially
offensive humor by "encrypting" the joke with rot13. Rot13 is a simple Caesar
substitution cipher -- only letters were shifted by 13. Decryption and encryption
used the same program. See rot-13 on Wikipedia.
"maroons", as I call them, were people easily offended by some pieces of humor
and would try to sue a company or educational institution for distributing said
humor. Encrypting, no matter how trivial, kept such people from reading the
message without them making the effort to decrypt it after a fair warning that
the content might be offensive.
Or maybe not...
Your code has done a good job of confusing me, even with the arduino doing the work!
After researching, it would appear that manchester bluffs means it is a Vigenère cipher.
I don't know how I can decode it though... Judging by the code I would guess that the ^
operator comes into play somewhere. Decoding the origional code with a Vigenere cypher
key of manchester bluffs gives Qocw tjl wwbst ejpz dlnggpmep qdgk. A frequency analysis
of that gives the following results:
G 3
P 3
W 3
D 2
E 2
J 2
L 2
Q 2
T 2
B 1
C 1
K 1
M 1
N 1
O 1
S 1
Z 1
This gives a total of 29 letters. With that we can work out what percentage of
the code each letter accounts for, then by maching that to the standard ammount
for the english language we can get an estimation of what each letter could be.
(Note that I used a program on the internet for the frequency analysis, and decoder).
Correct, it is a type of Vigenere - that was the Manchester Bluffs reference part of the clue.
The other part of the key clue is 'hex digit' - see the clue in reply #7
So the decryption of the code will be something like the output from
Qocw tjl wwbst ejpz dlnggpmep qdgk ^ hex key.
The hex key is obviously a decryption of _nlgl{l)jyal{)9)}f)8< .
Give me a while and I'll have it...
Nothing to do with _ .
The clue in reply 7 is in your own code.
The message can be decoded by use of the '^' and '%' operators.
Seriously, it's a three line decode.
Two if you ignore the "Serial.begin".