Hi there, i am working on a signal that is similar to a UART signal. But if I connect it to the serial port (rx) to decode, it doesn't so any result. So I tried changing the baud rate. I did not get any results.
So I decided to plug that signal to gpio pin and decode it as 1's and 0's.
But I am not sure how to code for it . Can anyone help me out giving some ideas and a sample example how can I do it
might be a start. Use a 3rd party terminal program that can log to file. Use the highest possible baudrate for communication with the PC.
Below a more extensive example; it uses state change detection. We assume that the signal is high when there is no transmission (as a UART would be). The code checks if the signal level changes and if that happens it prints a duration and the level; this way you might eventually be able to determine a baudrate. The shortest time will (more than likely) be a bit time.
uint8_t uartBit; // received
uint8_t prevBit = 1; // previously received
uint32_t lastTime; // remember when state change was detected
const uint8_t somePin = 5; // gpio pin
void setup()
Serial.begin(1000000); // use the highest baudrate supported by 3rd party terminal program
void loop()
uartBit = digitalRead(somePin);
if(uartBit != prevBit)
Serial.print(millis() - lastTime);
Serial.print(" ");
prevBit = uartBit;
lastTime = millis();
Code not tested
Signal example
I S 1 1 3 2 1 P I
--+ +---+ +---+---+---+ +---+---+-----------
| | | | | |
+---+ +---+ +---+---+
I = idle
S = start bit
P = stop bit
N = number of unchanged bits
You can e.g. get something like
xxx 1 idle time
100 0
100 1
100 0
300 1
200 1
nothing here as code waits for a state change
How did you determine that it's "similar" to a standard "UART signal"?
In what way(s) is it the same as a standard "UART signal"?
In what way(s) does it differ from a standard "UART signal"?
Do you have any documentation?
Do you know the baud rate?
As @sterretje suggests, the first thing to try would be a standard serial terminal - far easier to experiment with different configurations than having to write, rebuild, and download code to an Arduino each time! A logic analyser and/or oscilloscope would be the tools to use next if you can't get any joy with a standard serial terminal