Hi guys, I have two microcontrollers. They are connected through standard tx/rx. Micro1 is sending a binary string to Micro2 which contains pitch, roll and yaw information. I want to decode this information on the other side but am having trouble. the code for the sending side is as follows.
// This section outputs a binary data message
// Conforms to new binary message standard (12/31/09)
byte IMU_buffer[20];
int tempint;
int ck;
uint8_t tempuint;
long templong;
byte IMU_ck_a=0;
byte IMU_ck_b=0;
Serial.print("DIYd"); // This is the message preamble
IMU_buffer[1] = 0x02;
tempint=ToDeg(roll)*100; //Roll (degrees) * 100 in 2 bytes
tempint=ToDeg(pitch)*100; //Pitch (degrees) * 100 in 2 bytes
tempint=ToDeg(yaw)*100; //Yaw (degrees) * 100 in 2 bytes
for (int i=0;i<ck+2;i++) Serial.print (IMU_buffer[i]);
for (int i=0;i<ck+2;i++) {
IMU_ck_a+=IMU_buffer[i]; //Calculates checksums
I have written some code for the recieving side to rejoin the bytes but I am getting garbage out. Figured I must be doing something really stupid and would appreciate it if someone can point out the error in what I am doing. My code is as follows.
char buffer[100];
float pitch = 0.0;
float roll = 0.0;
float yaw = 0.0;
unsigned int newData = 0;
byte IMU_ck_a=0;
byte IMU_ck_b=0;
uint16_t temp;
void setup()
void loop()
if(Serial.available() > 0)
buffer[0] = Serial.read();
if(buffer[0] == 'D')
buffer[1] = Serial.read();
buffer[2] = Serial.read();
buffer[3] = Serial.read();
if(buffer[3] == 'd') newData = 1;
else newData = 0;
if(newData == 1)
buffer[0] = Serial.read(); //Message Length
buffer[1] = Serial.read(); //Message ID
buffer[2] = Serial.read(); //Roll (byte 1)
buffer[3] = Serial.read(); //Roll (byte 2)
buffer[4] = Serial.read(); //Pitch
buffer[5] = Serial.read(); //Pitch
buffer[6] = Serial.read(); //Yaw
buffer[7] = Serial.read(); //Yaw
buffer[8] = Serial.read(); //IMU_ck_a
buffer[9] = Serial.read(); //IMU_ck_b
for (int i=0;i<8;i++) {
IMU_ck_a+=buffer[i]; //Calculates checksums
if (IMU_ck_a == buffer[8] && IMU_ck_b == buffer[9]) //Passed the Checksum
temp = (buffer[7]<<8);
temp |= buffer[6];
roll = temp/100;
I realise that I am only trying to decode the roll in this code. I will add all the other information later as it should be exactly the same. Thanks in advance guys!!
p.s All baud rates and that obvious stuff are correct, I am sure its just that I dont have a good enough understanding of bitwise opperations.