Decoding PPM from RC Receiver

I am trying to decode the PPM string from a RC Receiver using pin8 on the arduino. I have read all the posts in the 3 axis stable platform thread here and have gotten confused.

for MEM-------is there a way I can do this using the servotimer2 library and the ServoDecode library. At this point I would like to write a sketch to display the individual channel pulsewidths and values. I tried to run some of the sketches you did early in the above referenced thread but I get nothing on the serial monitor to see. Similarly to what Axelion first encountered.

I am going back and reading the whole thread again to see what I missed.

Thanks in advance for any direction you may provide.


There were many versions of the code in that giant thread and most of these broke with arduino relase 0012. See this thread for the latest library and example sketch :

Thank you again MEM. I found out that the sketches broke on 00012. I also have started using 00011 with a much better success rate. Thank you again for the very prompt reply to this NEW---B


Which sketches are you using, perhaps we can help you get the code working in 0012.

Anyway, I suggest that you get something simple working and then add new funcionality one module at a time.

Have fun!

"Which sketches are you using, perhaps we can help you get the code working in 0012.

Anyway, I suggest that you get something simple working and then add new funcionality one module at a time.

Have fun"

I got it working OK now. I can now read the pulsewidths. I have taken your advise and started simple with the test.pde I found on line from the Huge thread. I am messing with it to learn what it does.

Thank you again.
