Deep sleep mode with nano every 4809

I try to turn the nano every in deep sleep mode. The ''old" 328P use a dedicated lib, not applicable for nano every. For atmega 4809 I follow these solution with RTC:

I can not go under 9mA current consumption : I disable all 3V3 power on board, I remove also Q1 on TX , RX line: no success.

Does anybody succes turning atmega 4809 in deep sleep , with power mesurement confirmation?

Hi Remis,
i learned a lot from this post
I try to learn the sleep mechanics too.

I never measured the current consumption of the onboard programmer and all the other components but i think they will suck the most current.
Better try with a bare chip (there is a DIP version too) and use the internal oscillators.
you can use the megacoreX core and a microUPDI as a programmer

hope it helps

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