I am using an SD card shield from Seeed Studio. It doesn't seem to work on the official arduino mega 2560, but it does work on a different mega 2560 from OSEPP.
Using the SD card examples provided in the library (any of them will do--so I won't post code), I always get the message "SD card failed" when it attempts to connect (this is while on the arduino mega). However, if I press the reset button on the arduino mega, it begins to work, but the problem is reproduced each time I close and reopen the serial monitor. So, I have to press the reset button each time in order for the SD card to be detected.
Now, I have an OSEPP mega 2560, and that works fine with the same SD card shield. The wiring is the same, the select switch on the shield is set to the same position, etc... All of the parameters are the same except that I'm using a different board.
So I'm trying to figure out if the official arduino mega 2560 board is defective because it sounds like the board doesn't "reset" itself when it should. Would anyone agree or disagree? I'd like to hear some feedback and suggestions.