define "int" as "HIGH" or "LOW"

I have a question in the below code (taken from the RotaryEncoders page in the playground). Specifically: "int encoder0PinALast = LOW;" is it possible for an int to have a value of "LOW" (or "HIGH")?

A little clarity here would be appreciated.

Thank you.

 int val; 
 int encoder0PinA = 3;
 int encoder0PinB = 4;
 int encoder0Pos = 0;
 int encoder0PinALast = LOW;
 int n = LOW;

 void setup() { 
   pinMode (encoder0PinA,INPUT);
   pinMode (encoder0PinB,INPUT);
   Serial.begin (9600);

 void loop() { 
   n = digitalRead(encoder0PinA);
   if ((encoder0PinALast == LOW) && (n == HIGH)) {
     if (digitalRead(encoder0PinB) == LOW) {
     } else {
     Serial.print (encoder0Pos);
     Serial.print ("/");
   encoder0PinALast = n;

Should be - functionally will operate for comparisons same as if you use LOW, 0, FALSE,,
and HIGH, 1, TRUE.

Ok, thanks. It just seemed strange that the threshold for HIGH and LOW was never defined. Or maybe it is i just don't know what it is.

SOmewhere in the internals of the Arduino libs there is a line

#define LOW 0
#define HIGH 1

These are preprocessor commands, and the compiler replaces every occurence of LOW with 0 and HIGH with 1 in the code.

There are many applications for these preprocessor commands

#define SQR(x) ((x) * (x))
will replace SQR(5) with ((5)*(5))

more? see - C preprocessor - Wikipedia -

HIGH/LOW, INPUT/OUTPUT are defined in "wiring.h"

If you dont remember the value of any of those terms, just use Serial.write(HIGH);
then in the console see what it says
true, high, output = 1
false, low, input = 0

"threshold for HIGH and LOW"
No user definable threshold for digital signals 8)