delay() locks up WatchDog Timer?

I'm working on a battery powered project and want to use the SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN setting to save power. My sensor appears to need some uptime of about 250ms between readings but inserting a "delay(250);" locks up the WatchDog Timer cycle.
Any idea what causes the WDT to fail when using longer delays?

I'm basing the WDT on work by Donal Morrisey.
Inserting a 100ms delay in the loop() section works fine but a 200ms delay locks up.

Note: If you're not familiar with using sleep modes, I learned a valuable lesson about how to recover your board after you think you've bricked it from the Adafruit site: Feather HELP! | Adafruit Feather 32u4 Adalogger | Adafruit Learning System
Also, the USB connection drops so don't be alarmed.

SleepWatchDogTest5.ino (3.24 KB)

Please edit your post and put the sketch inside tags.

Thanks lastchancename. As it turns out I figured out the solution (without knowing the exact cause however).
I had done several searches and reviewed several examples; some setting the WDT registers during setup and some setting them with every cycle. I was doing the former and tried changing to the latter, which works!
Would still like to understand why.

For completeness and to make sure I understand protocol for future posts, here's the working code:

 * Sketch for testing sleep mode with wake up on WDT.
 * Donal Morrissey - 2011.
 * JHS - WORKS but loses USB connection!  Use verbose mode and double click board  when IDE looking for COM port
 * Tested with SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN, BUT setting BLINK_DELAY higher locks up the WDT
 * WORKS!!! Needed to reset the registers one each cycle
#include <avr/sleep.h>
#include <avr/power.h>
#include <avr/wdt.h>

#define LED_PIN (13)
#define BLINK_DELAY 200    // NOTE:  setting this to 50 works, 
                          //        setting it to 100 USED TO lock up the board

volatile int f_wdt=1;

 *  Name:        ISR(WDT_vect)
 *  Returns:     Nothing.
 *  Parameters:  None.
 *  Description: Watchdog Interrupt Service. This
 *               is executed when watchdog timed out.
  if(f_wdt == 0)
    Serial.println("WDT Overrun!!!");

 *  Name:        setWDTregisters
 *  Returns:     Nothing.
 *  Parameters:  None.
 *  Description: set the WDT registers
 void setWDTregisters() 
  /* Clear the reset flag. */
  MCUSR &= ~(1<<WDRF);
  /* In order to change WDE or the prescaler, we need to
   * set WDCE (This will allow updates for 4 clock cycles).
  WDTCSR |= (1<<WDCE) | (1<<WDE);

  /* set new watchdog timeout prescaler value */
  WDTCSR = 1<<WDP0 | 1<<WDP3; /* 8.0 seconds */
  /* Enable the WD interrupt (note no reset). */

 *  Name:        enterSleep
 *  Returns:     Nothing.
 *  Parameters:  None.
 *  Description: Enters the arduino into sleep mode.
void enterSleep(void)
  setWDTregisters();           // <<<< added to prevent board from locking up
  set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN);   /* EDIT: could also use SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN for lowest power consumption. */
  /* Now enter sleep mode. */
  /* The program will continue from here after the WDT timeout*/
  sleep_disable(); /* First thing to do is disable sleep. */
  /* Re-enable the peripherals. */

 *  Name:        setup
 *  Returns:     Nothing.
 *  Parameters:  None.
 *  Description: Setup for the serial comms and the
 *                Watch dog timeout. 
void setup()
  delay(100); //Allow for serial print to complete.


  /*** Setup the WDT ***/
  Serial.println("Initialisation complete.");
  delay(100); //Allow for serial print to complete.

 *  Name:        enterSleep
 *  Returns:     Nothing.
 *  Parameters:  None.
 *  Description: Main application loop.
void loop()
 // Blink(LED_PIN, 80,3);
  delay(BLINK_DELAY);   //<<<<< setting this and the next delay to 50 works but 100 locks up the WDT
  if(f_wdt == 1)
    /* Toggle the LED */
    digitalWrite(LED_PIN, !digitalRead(LED_PIN));
    /* Don't forget to clear the flag. */
    f_wdt = 0;
    /* Re-enter sleep mode. */
    /* Do nothing. */