Hello - trying to do what I thought would be a simple program. I have several void functions that I call when a momentary push button is pushed. In two of the void functions I need to have some sort of time delay while a relay is open, and then at the end of a duration of time closes. At the end I want it then to flash an LED and wait for a button to be pushed (Same buttons pushed as in the Void Loop) and also be on the look out for an E-Stop or Float Valve Sensor. (Both E-stop and Float Valve need to be monitored for signals during the time duration above.
From my understanding (and much frustration) a delay() can't be used in a void function. We've been trying with millis() but also no luck at all.
Here is the full code below. I have commented out the lines that cause issues. I have it uploaded now and the unit works minus the time delays. But at least it will function. It's just not "automated".
Any insights (and explanations so I can learn) would be great appreciated! I've spent a lot of time watching videos and reading online over the past weeks, and I never like posting on a forum unless I've exhausted all other means of trying to figure it out.
Thanks in advance
unsigned long time_1 = 0;
const int delay1 = 5000; // 4.25 minutes // SET TO 5000 FOR TESTING
unsigned long time_2 = 0;
const int delay2 = 5000; // 30 s // SET TO 5000 FOR TESTING
int Buttonflag3;
int Buttonflag4;
int Buttonflag1;
int sesnsorflag1;
const int Button1_LED = 25;
const int Button2_LED = 26;
const int Button3_LED = 27;
const int Button1_Normal_On = 10; // Momentary Pushbutton
const int Button2_Drain_Tank = 11; // Momentary Pushbutton
const int Button3_Rinse_Tank = 12; // Momentary Pushbutton
const int Button4_E_Stop = 53; // E-Stop Button
const int Float_Valve_1 = 22; // Float Valve Digital Input
const int Solenoid1_Diaphragm = 2; // Relay 1
const int Solenoid2_Air_Drill = 3; // Relay 2
const int Solenoid3_Rinse_Water = 4; // Relay 3
const int Solenoid4_Water_To_Tumblers = 5; // Relay 4
const int Audible_Alarm = 7; // Relay
const int Relay_120v_Main_Water_Pump = 9; // Relay 120V 8
void Button_1_Pressed() {
digitalWrite(Button1_LED, HIGH); // Button 1 LED ON
digitalWrite(Button2_LED, LOW); // Button 2 LED OFF
digitalWrite(Button3_LED, LOW); // Button 2 LED OFF
digitalWrite(Relay_120v_Main_Water_Pump, LOW); // ON
digitalWrite(Solenoid1_Diaphragm, LOW); // ON
digitalWrite(Solenoid2_Air_Drill, HIGH); // OFF
digitalWrite(Solenoid3_Rinse_Water, HIGH); // OFF
digitalWrite(Solenoid4_Water_To_Tumblers, LOW); // ON
void Button_2_Pressed() {
digitalWrite(Button1_LED, LOW); // Button 1 LED OFF
digitalWrite(Button2_LED, HIGH); // Button 2 LED ON
digitalWrite(Button3_LED, LOW); // Button 2 LED OFF
digitalWrite(Relay_120v_Main_Water_Pump, HIGH); // OFF
digitalWrite(Solenoid1_Diaphragm, HIGH); // OFF
digitalWrite(Solenoid2_Air_Drill, LOW); // ON - STIR CYCLE FOR DELAY TIME (4.25 mins)
digitalWrite(Solenoid3_Rinse_Water, HIGH); // OFF
digitalWrite(Solenoid4_Water_To_Tumblers, HIGH); // OFF
// int a=1;
//if ((millis() - time_1) >= delay1 && sesnsorflag1==0 && a==1 || Buttonflag4==0){
// digitalWrite(Solenoid2_Air_Drill, LOW); // ON
// a=0;
// *** Here the program needs to run for 4.25 Minutes (so Solenoid2_Air_Drill is LOW / aka ON.)
// *** After 4.25 minutes it needs to turn off using the code line below
// *** During this 4.25 minutes the program should be checking for E-Stop or FloatValve_1 Sensor High and going to appropriate function
/// this line added into millis function
// digitalWrite(Solenoid2_Air_Drill, HIGH); // TURN MIXER OFF
//while (Buttonflag3==0 && sesnsorflag1==1 || Buttonflag4==0){
// digitalWrite(Button2_LED,0);
// delay(100);
// digitalWrite(Button2_LED,1);
// delay(100);
// }
//^^^^^^^^ *** Here the program should continously blink Button2_LED until Button3_Rinse_Tank is pressed and then it goes to function Button_3_Pressed
// *** Should also be checking for E-Stop or FloatValve_1 Sensor High and going to appropriate function
void Button_3_Pressed() {
digitalWrite(Button1_LED, LOW); // Button 1 LED OF
digitalWrite(Button2_LED, LOW); // Button 2 LED OFF
digitalWrite(Button3_LED, HIGH); // Button 3 LED ON
digitalWrite(Relay_120v_Main_Water_Pump, LOW); // ON
digitalWrite(Solenoid1_Diaphragm, HIGH); // OFF
digitalWrite(Solenoid2_Air_Drill, HIGH); // OFF
digitalWrite(Solenoid3_Rinse_Water, LOW); // ON
digitalWrite(Solenoid4_Water_To_Tumblers, HIGH); // OFF
digitalWrite(Audible_Alarm, HIGH); // OFF
// *** Here the program needs to run for 30 SECONDS (so Solenoid3_Rinse_Water is LOW / aka ON.)
// After 30 seconds it needs to turn off using the code line below
// During this 30 seconds the program should be checking for E-Stop or FloatValve_1 Sensor High and going to appropriate function
//int b=1;
//if (((millis() - time_2) >= delay2 )&& sesnsorflag1==1 && b==1 || Buttonflag4==0){
// digitalWrite(Solenoid3_Rinse_Water, LOW); // ON
// digitalWrite(Relay_120v_Main_Water_Pump, LOW); // ON
// b=0;
// digitalWrite(Solenoid3_Rinse_Water, HIGH); // OFF
// digitalWrite(Relay_120v_Main_Water_Pump, HIGH); // OFF
// digitalWrite(Button3_LED,0);
// *** Here the program should continously blink Button3_LED until Button1Normal_On is pressed and then it goes to function Button_3_Pressed
// *** Should also be checking for E-Stop or FloatValve_1 Sensor High and going to appropriate function
//while (Buttonflag0==1 && sesnsorflag1==1 || Buttonflag==0){
// digitalWrite(Button3_LED,0);
// delay(100);
// digitalWrite(Button3_LED,1);
// delay(100);
// }
void Button_4_E_Stop() {
digitalWrite(Button1_LED, LOW); // Button 1 LED OFF
digitalWrite(Button2_LED, LOW); // Button 2 LED OFF
digitalWrite(Button3_LED, LOW); // Button 2 LED OFF
digitalWrite(Relay_120v_Main_Water_Pump, HIGH); // OFF
digitalWrite(Solenoid1_Diaphragm, HIGH); // OFF
digitalWrite(Solenoid2_Air_Drill, HIGH); // OFF
digitalWrite(Solenoid3_Rinse_Water, HIGH); // OFF
digitalWrite(Solenoid4_Water_To_Tumblers, HIGH); // OFF
digitalWrite(Audible_Alarm, HIGH); // RESET ALARM TO OFF
// HIGH WATER ALARM - Stops all and turns audible alarm on
void Float_Valve_1_HIGH() {
digitalWrite(Button1_LED, LOW); // Button 1 LED OFF
digitalWrite(Button2_LED, LOW); // Button 2 LED OFF
digitalWrite(Button3_LED, LOW); // Button 2 LED OFF
digitalWrite(Relay_120v_Main_Water_Pump, HIGH); // OFF
digitalWrite(Solenoid1_Diaphragm, HIGH); // OFF
digitalWrite(Solenoid2_Air_Drill, HIGH); // OFF
digitalWrite(Solenoid3_Rinse_Water, HIGH); // OFF
digitalWrite(Solenoid4_Water_To_Tumblers, HIGH); // OFF
digitalWrite(Audible_Alarm, LOW); // ON
void setup() {
pinMode(Button1_LED, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Button2_LED, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Button3_LED, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Button1_Normal_On, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(Button2_Drain_Tank, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(Button3_Rinse_Tank, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(Button4_E_Stop, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(Float_Valve_1, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(Relay_120v_Main_Water_Pump, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Solenoid1_Diaphragm, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Solenoid2_Air_Drill, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Solenoid3_Rinse_Water, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Solenoid4_Water_To_Tumblers, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Audible_Alarm, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(Relay_120v_Main_Water_Pump, HIGH);
digitalWrite(Solenoid1_Diaphragm, HIGH);
digitalWrite(Solenoid2_Air_Drill, HIGH);
digitalWrite(Solenoid3_Rinse_Water, HIGH);
digitalWrite(Solenoid4_Water_To_Tumblers, HIGH);
digitalWrite(Audible_Alarm, HIGH);
void loop() {
int Button1 = digitalRead(Button1_Normal_On);
if (Button1==1){
Buttonflag1=1 ; }
else if (Button1==0){
Buttonflag1=0; }
int Button2 = digitalRead(Button2_Drain_Tank);
int Button3 = digitalRead(Button3_Rinse_Tank);
if (Button3==1){Buttonflag3=1 ; }
else if (Button3==0){ Buttonflag3=0; }
int Button4 = digitalRead(Button4_E_Stop);
if (Button4==1){
Buttonflag4=1 ; }
else if (Button4==0){
Buttonflag4=0; }
int Sensor1 = digitalRead(Float_Valve_1);
if (Sensor1==1){
sesnsorflag1=1 ; }
else if (Sensor1==0){
sesnsorflag1=0; }
if (Button1 == LOW) {
if (Button2 == LOW) {
if (Button3 == LOW) {
if (Button4 == LOW) {
if (Sensor1 == HIGH) {