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I never try to second-guess the compiler; what did it say?

Welcome to the forum

Why not ask ChatGPT :grinning:

yes the code gets compiled but I dont have the hardware yet in order to check

lol it says its correct but I dont have the hardware or the knollege to check

Wire it up and see if the temperature values make sense.

Don't expect much help here because ChatGPT and the like are not highly regarded by most forum members

Good luck with that whether ChatGPT writes it or not

In fact, that code won't run, because dear old chatGPT forgot to write code to open a file on the SD card before writing to it.

oh great lol
Got any idea where i can find reasorces to write the code by myself?

The Arduino IDE has lots of example programs built in, that teach you how to use most of the features. File>Examples>...

Run some and learn!

Or look on the web for examples of reading temperatures and logging data to SD files.


yeah i know but Im confused about a couple of things:
How the code will work when connecting less than 128 DS18B20 ?
How Im going to make the graph displayed from .txt file on the SD Card?
Will an OLED display work?
If the generated code is incorect how can I fix it?

Most of your questions will be answered if you look carefully through the code and do the research needed to understand what each line of code does.

With that understanding, it won't be very difficult to fix any problems that come up.

People usually learn to crawl before they start running.

oh yeah I found the SDCard error
Yeah these are not that difficult to understand as Ive done my reasearch where it gets confusing for me is : Since we get a for loop for 1 to number of index to limit it to 128 I have to get a while loop at the end while(NumberOfSensors<=128) Is that correct?
I didn’t knew how to make the simple menu but chatgpt helped here
Then I don’t know how to do the graph part

Just be sure to connect 128 or fewer sensors.

Then I don’t know how to do the graph part

chatGPT thought of that, and wrote code for you. Scroll down to the bottom of the listing.

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