Designing the user interface

There's so much discussion here about how to get a project to work, but I rarely see anyone discussing the user interface (enclosure, buttons, etc), and that's where I have the most trouble. And that seems like the most important part in whether or not the project will be useful.

I have several projects completed except finalizing the interface and enclosure and I feel stuck on all of them.

One is as simple as a wireless trivia buzzer, and I can't find a good enclosure. The indicator is an RGB LED (different colour for each player), but the boxes I can get it to fit into are huge compared to the size of a single LED so the result looks awful.

And more complex projects are even worse. Some of my others in this state are a camera intervelometer (buttons, knobs, keypad to set the delay) and an LED stroboscope (setting the pulse rate).

How do people make all their hard work look good? :slight_smile:

Usually the smallest common "project box" is big enough to fit an Arduino and a stacked shield. There are not many common types smaller than this, but I've seen a lot of people using Altoids gum tins, Sucrets antacid tins, or generic plastic pill boxes. Some of these would be large enough for a 9V plus an Arduino, and some of them would require you to use 2x or 3x AAA and an Arduino Mini.

As for buttons, have you looked at the "monome" buttons that Grumpy Mike hand-built? Or the monome or strip buttons available at SparkFun? You can fit an RGB LED inside each button.

I agree that people skip the interface considerations. There's more to user interface than physical layout, too. There are some nice ways to lay out a "game widget" that can express things to the user in a clear but fun way. If every player IS a color, then flashing all the LEDs in that color can indicate whose turn it is. Then use different colors for trivia answers, so the player isn't confused and chooses their own colors. Use your creativity, and always think about how a user (who didn't build the box) might misunderstand the interface. A good interface is geared to help the user achieve their goals, and also to avoid mistakes or misunderstandings. They're not always the same thing.

Good luck, and show us what you're doing!

It's not much help directly in your case (whoops, pun unintended) but the area of cases/enclosures and "productising" (thanks mem :slight_smile: ) Arduino projects is of particular interest to me at the moment.

I have some initial Arduino case/enclosure notes but nothing concrete yet.


These are some good responses. One comment I'd make is I see no reason to incorporate a whole arduino into the finished project unless I need the USB port. I bought a bunch of ATmega168 chips, crystals and caps, and for my finished projects, I'd just assemble the basic circuit on perfboard.

I like the direction you're going follower, but the electronics would have to be so tiny, it might be beyond the hobbiest to build. Would it be practical to fabricate a tiny form factor arduino with the screen and buttons integrated so all you have to add is the firmware? The problem I would see is minimum quanties and prices being insanely high.

I agree finding an enclosure is not at all easy. I am current trying to find a box that will fit an Arduino, an 16x2 LCD screen and a 9v PP3 Battery.

i would have thought this would be a common request and easy to find but boy was I mistaken. I don't really want to cut holes in an existing box as i know it would end up looking untidy.

I am current trying to find a box that will fit an Arduino, an 16x2 LCD screen and a 9v PP3 Battery.

i would have thought this would be a common request and easy to find but boy was I mistaken. I don't really want to cut holes in an existing box as i know it would end up looking untidy.

There is an example of something similar posted here:

Its not all that difficult to cut the hole for the LCD. I purchased some 1/8 inch black plastic angle from a hobby shop expecting to use it to hide gaps from the cutout, but with care the hole can be cut undersize and filed down to a perfect fit.

There is a link to a similar box in the post

Thanks for that.

I like the direction you're going follower, but the electronics would have to be so tiny, it might be beyond the hobbiest to build. Would it be practical to fabricate a tiny form factor arduino with the screen and buttons integrated so all you have to add is the firmware? The problem I would see is minimum quanties and prices being insanely high.

Thanks for the positive feedback. That's the direction I'm wanting to head--minus the "insanely high" bit. :slight_smile:

I'm envisioning this as being "pre-fabbed" but with a selection of pre-fabbed pieces available for use.
