Desperately seeking MinM LEDs from ThingM

Hi everyone – Does anyone happen to have any spare MinM programmable LEDs, the baby brother of the BlinkM from the ThingM company? I'd like to buy several of them. They've been out of production for several years now. I built one into an elaborate project with lots of custom code and machining, then I accidentally fried the LED by reversing polarity! Thanks in advance for looking around your bench;-)

Thank you for introducing me to BlinkM MinM... sounds like a fun project with an SMD ATtiny85 and WS2812.

#include <FastLED.h>
#define pin 1
#define led 1

CRGB leds[led];

void setup() {
  FastLED.addLeds<WS2812, pin, GRB>(leds, led);

void loop() {
  uint8_t speed = 10;
  uint8_t change = 10;
  uint8_t hue = beat8(speed, 255);
  fill_rainbow(leds, led, hue, change);;

BlinkM_datasheet.pdf (6.8 MB)

Hi XFPD – The MinM is cool but it’s no longer in production (though you can still get the larger BlinkM). There is no stock of the MinM LEDs in any of the online electronics stores online. That’s why I’m asking this community if anyone has an extras they would be willing to sell to me.

  • Lou

It seems like a nice project containing different sequences (like a drum/music app). I made an LED "candle" a couple years ago, but used it for parts. If I make one (ATtiny85, WS2812, cap, res, batt, 3D case or deadbug) I will only do selectable pre-programmed sequences (not the full MinM) and will look for this post to upload the parts and code.

@studiolou - I found this in reading (none verified)

BlinkMs are available from a variety of online retailers, such as FunGizmos (, SparkFun (, Adafruit (, and the Make store (

There is a blink(1)... with programming GUI

Thanks for pointing that out. I’m looking for a specific smart LED called the MinM.

Just curious - Do you want it for making a project? Do you have old programs for it? Do you have blink/color sequences in mind? Have you use the MinM sequencer?

I built a MinM into a necklace which I gave my wife about 10 years ago. The MinM failed and so did my spare. I haven’t found a smart LED as small as the MinM so I need that specific unit. I do have specific programs that I’ve written. The MinM sequencer no longer works and isn’t supported so I just write programs by hand on an external Arduino and download them to the MinM.

That is VERY cool. I would hope you could "fix" your MinM. How did they fail? Do you have a picture?

Once I read your first post I started working on a home made MinM. (you can see my simulation in Post #2). I have the parts. I will post to this thread when I finish.

The MinM/BlinkM sequencer is a windows/mac/linux zip file link. It is a stand-alone executable (one file).

I tinkered with it and am excited to use it for future projects. It allows timing for one (or many) strings of single (or parallel) neopixels and can create a text file to import or edit. I am writing a function to translate the BlinkM sequencer output text file to use on the NeoPixel/ATtiny85.

This guy did a very interesting pendant

It'd be a huge inconvenience, but have you considered getting a compatible replacement manufactured?

I'm really hoping that someone here has a few spares they can part with for you!

Yes that’s my backup plan. I would combine one of the new ATTiny chips with the latest NeoPixel on a custom PCB. I did actually get my hands on a new MinM in the original box, but I can’t get the code to work right. I think there’s an incompatibility between the firmware and the library code. Probably less trouble just to start over. Thanks for responding!

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Thanks for responding. The notice from ThingM that they’ll give away free MinMs to anyone with a cool design expired in 2010. Oh well!

You still looking for this? I could ask ThingM for you. One of the guys is a friend.

Thanks Andrea for your response! I tracked down a couple MinMs and satisfied myself that the system (hardware and software) is not stable (and of course is unsupported). I’m focused now on making a new “smart LED” of the MinM size with latest ATTiny, latest RGBW LED and custom programming. It’s turning out to be easier than I thought given that I don’t need the full MinM command set.

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