I'm working on a sketch that uses an IR sensor to detect motion. Once motion is detected I'm using PWM to turn the lights on and set a timer to turn the lights off. I'd like to have the lights dim down at the end of the timer cycle. I'm able successfully analogWrite 255 and 0 to the pin but when I try to fade it just turns the pin off. Here is the function I'm using to do this
int long lightsOn(int alarmPin, int ledPin, int long lights_on, int long delay_m) {
int alarmValue = digitalRead(alarmPin);
if (lights_on == 0) { // lights off
if (alarmValue == LOW){
// motion detected
Serial.println(">>> Turning lights on");
analogWrite(ledPin, 255); // turn them on
return millis();
else { // lights on
if (alarmValue == LOW) {
// lights are on AND there's motion
// keep timer start to now
return millis();
else {
int long time_now = millis();
if ((time_now - lights_on) > delay_m) {
Serial.println(">>> Turning lights off");
for(int fadeValue = 255; fadeValue >= 0; fadeValue -=5) { // this line doesn't seem to be doing anything.
analogWrite(ledPin, fadeValue); }
else {
// use the previous time_on
return lights_on;
return 0L;
How can I get this to fade down at the end of the timer cycle?
Here is the sketch in it's entirety.
// example for the PIR motion sensor SE-10
int long delay_time = 500; // 1
int long delay_time_2 = 30000; // 2
int long delay_time_3 = 30000; // 3
int long delay_time_4 = 180000; // 4 + 5
int alarmPin_1 = 8;
int ledPin_1 = 9;
int long time_on_1 = 0;
int alarmPin_2 = 12;
int ledPin_2 = A1;
int long time_on_2 = 0;
int alarmPin_3 = 10;
int ledPin_3 = A3;
int long time_on_3 = 0;
int alarmPin_4 = 7;
int ledPin_4 = A4;
int long time_on_4= 0;
int alarmPin_5 = 2;
int ledPin_5 = A0;
int long time_on_5= 0;
void setup () {
Serial.begin (9600);
pinMode(ledPin_1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(alarmPin_1, INPUT);
pinMode(ledPin_2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(alarmPin_2, INPUT);
pinMode(ledPin_3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(alarmPin_3, INPUT);
pinMode(ledPin_4, OUTPUT);
pinMode(alarmPin_4, INPUT);
pinMode(ledPin_5, OUTPUT);
pinMode(alarmPin_5, INPUT);
analogWrite(ledPin_1, 0);
digitalWrite(ledPin_2, LOW);
digitalWrite(ledPin_3, LOW);
digitalWrite(ledPin_4, LOW);
digitalWrite(ledPin_5, LOW);
delay (2000); // it takes the sensor 2 seconds to scan the area around it before it can detect infrared presence.
void loop (){
time_on_1 = lightsOn(alarmPin_1, ledPin_1, time_on_1, delay_time);
time_on_2 = lightsOn(alarmPin_2, ledPin_2, time_on_2, delay_time_2);
time_on_3 = lightsOn(alarmPin_3, ledPin_3, time_on_3, delay_time_3);
time_on_4 = lightsOn(alarmPin_4, ledPin_4, time_on_4, delay_time_3);
time_on_5 = lightsOn(alarmPin_5, ledPin_5, time_on_5, delay_time_3);
delay (10);
* Return the time that the lights went on. Zero if they are off
int long lightsOn(int alarmPin, int ledPin, int long lights_on, int long delay_m) {
int alarmValue = digitalRead(alarmPin);
if (lights_on == 0) { // lights off
if (alarmValue == LOW){
// motion detected
Serial.println(">>> Turning lights on");
analogWrite(ledPin, 255); // turn them on
return millis();
else { // lights on
if (alarmValue == LOW) {
// lights are on AND there's motion
// keep timer start to now
return millis();
else {
int long time_now = millis();
// Serial.println("Millis since motion: "+(time_now-time_on));
if ((time_now - lights_on) > delay_m) {
Serial.println(">>> Turning lights off");
// turn them off
// analogWrite(ledPin, 0);
for(int fadeValue = 255; fadeValue >= 0; fadeValue -=5) {
// sets the value (range from 0 to 255):
analogWrite(ledPin, fadeValue); }
else {
// use the previous time_on
return lights_on;
return 0L;