Detect two halfs in proximity

I've been working on a project and I need a way to detect when the two halves are in range. That range is about 1.5 in. The precision doesn't need to be too good, I just need it not to activate falsely.

Any suggestions?

I've been considering Inductive power, and NFC, but neither of them seems to be good for this situation

Thanks in advance, Hadrian

Two halves of a whole?


Sorry, this is my first post.

This and its symmetrical clone.

I want to know when they are put handle to handle next to each other

Thanks for the advice.

These are being held by someone, when they are brought together and the two halves (one in each hand) and are held very close (< ~1in) both sides need to identify that they are within proximity.

There will be 2 fingers worth of skin separating them.

My components:

I have limited space inside the handle, so a small hardware solution or a software solution would be best.

RFID tag?

Yup, thats what I was thinking...

Medium sized neodymium magnet and reed switch - no power required. A small magnet (1cm diameter) at 1cm closes the switch in ebike handbrake levers.

Perfect! That's exactly the solution that I was looking for! Thank you all so much for your help with this.

Looks like some sort of weapon....if so, be aware you may already be on the authorities radar.

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