Detecting high and low voltages using the arduino uno

I am using an arduino uno board along with code written in the arduino ide to detect high and low voltage of a solenoid valve. I am able to detect the high signals effectively but struggle to detect the low signals when the valve opens and closes rapidly, repeatedly ( rapid changes from high to low and back to high). I believe this might be due to residual voltages, I tried using a pulldown resistor but this has not fixed the issue entirely. Would appreciate any advice on tackling this issue.

Please post a wiring diagram (hand drawn is preferred), and the code, using code tags.

Links to the solenoid, solenoid driver and solenoid power supply would help.


IS this some sort of feedback you are getting from the unknown solenoid valve? What is the relation to the actual operation of the valve? Do you get the signal ONLY when the valve is being moved?

I have no idea what your actual circuit looks like? No idea what solenoid is used or how you are driving it? Does your solenoid use or need a flyback diode? No idea what your code looks like? Advice comes when others can actually see your circuit and code for starters. Based on what you mention I haven't even a clue.


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