I am in the design phase of a project that I have one significant technology hurdle I need to clear. I need to be able to determine where a moving object is relative to a stationary arduino. The object needs to be detected when 0-50yds away from the arduino, but may drift further from time-to-time (undetected). The moving object can have a "tag object", but it needs to be wearable on active adults. The goal would be able to track 20-30 different objects at the same time. I could employ more than one arduino if needed.
I am pretty much at a loss on where to start. Seems like some sort of audio signal, but I suppose I might need multiple arduinos and triangulate. GPS might work, but would need about a +-2 yds accuracy (also might get pricey).
I've seen this type of location projects once in a while. I don't have a solution, trying to work out my own as well, not much progress. Triangulation may give you results but not accurate for short distance, plus you need towers around the area you are tracking, so it's expensive. Are we assuming outdoors? If outdoors then what kind of terrain?
I am in the design phase of a project that I have one significant technology hurdle I need to clear. I need to be able to determine where a moving object is relative to a stationary arduino. The object needs to be detected when 0-50yds away from the arduino, but may drift further from time-to-time (undetected). The moving object can have a "tag object", but it needs to be wearable on active adults. The goal would be able to track 20-30 different objects at the same time. I could employ more than one arduino if needed.
I am pretty much at a loss on where to start. Seems like some sort of audio signal, but I suppose I might need multiple arduinos and triangulate. GPS might work, but would need about a +-2 yds accuracy (also might get pricey).
thanks in advance for any suggestions.
What size and shape area do you want to monitor?
Is this a permanent set-up or will it have to be portable?
Are there any restrictions on what you can put on the site?
Is it indoors or outdoors?
Is there a financial restriction to your project?
Such a project In my oppinion is almost impossible.
The only thing I can think of that has a hope of working is to have a transponder on each person which relays the position given by a GPS.
I am working on a similar project. The initial positions are determined by the user, by pointing an IMU compass from one object to the other, as it moves. With triangulation, the relative distance apart can be determined accurately. Since one object is stationary, and the other has GPS, the distances and angle can be recorded for a few minutes before the GPS loses it's location by more than 2m. Questions? Want to work together?