Developing iOS application for an existing RS232 device - is Arduino the way?

Hi everyone

I need to communicate with an "existing" serial device i.e. send/receive values to and from an iPad?

After some research, it looks as if the simplest way to achieve this within the Draconian Apple T&Cs is via the Redpark cable.

In your opinion, is this the way to go, and can it be achieved without modifying the RS232 device i.e. through software only as electronics isn't really my thing (though I could get help with this I really really needed to i.e. if there was no other option)?

Big thanks in advance.


I need to communicate with an "existing" serial device

What existing serial device? Why is existing in quotes? Does it exist or not?

After some research, it looks as if the simplest way to achieve this within the Draconian Apple T&Cs is via the Redpark cable.

If you didn't like the terms and conditions, why did you buy the product?

In your opinion, is this the way to go

Without knowing what you want to communicate between, how can we have an informed opinion?

Your budget, your skills, and your actual hardware mean more than uninformed opinion, don't they?

Hi PaulS

Thanks for your reply.

Once of the devices for example is at heart a relative temperature monitor - 2 sensors attached to a PCB that is currently being used to send strings to a PC via RS232 using a Delphi built application with all source available. The unit accepts a very basic set of instruction strings that select the time interval between readings etc.

So yes the unit(s) exists. I put quotes around the "existing" simply to highlight that I was trying to find a solution that did not require any modification of the original circuitry, and for most projects I have seen there is a large electronic component which I would prefer to avoid if possible - I apologise if this was taken out of context and in some way caused offence.

As for the T&Cs I refer to the restrictive nature of the iOS not the Redpark product. So why did I buy an iPad? I didn't - the iPad is one of many that belongs to a customer.

Why did the customer buy the iPad? Ignorance I guess. They were ill-informed enough to think that he could replace their archaic Laptops and convert their proprietary RS232 devices to work with the iPad, I say ill informed as it would seem that iPad would be the platform least open for such development.

And why the Redpark cable/Arduino? After some searching I have come to the conclusion that it may be the only option that will have a guarantee of surviving future iOS updates.

I am not here to apple-bash and certainly not Arduino/Redpark as it may be the one and only game in town.

Again - I apologise for any offence caused.

Very best Regards



I need to communicate with an "existing" serial device

What existing serial device? Why is existing in quotes? Does it exist or not?

After some research, it looks as if the simplest way to achieve this within the Draconian Apple T&Cs is via the Redpark cable.

If you didn't like the terms and conditions, why did you buy the product?

In your opinion, is this the way to go

Without knowing what you want to communicate between, how can we have an informed opinion?

Your budget, your skills, and your actual hardware mean more than uninformed opinion, don't they?

I apologise if this was taken out of context and in some way caused offence.

No need to apologize. No offense was taken. Just confusion.

2 sensors attached to a PCB that is currently being used to send strings to a PC via RS232

Using a MAX232 chip, you should be able to get data to/from the Arduino, via the hardware serial port, or using NewSoftSerial/SoftwareSerial, via any two digital pins.

Once the Arduino has the data, getting it to the i device is the issue. I'm not sure what issues you have with security, or how many of these devices you need to get data from, or where the devices are located, but, if internet access is a possibility, I'd put an ethernet shield on the Arduino, and put it online. Then, a simple web browser, which the i devices all have, can access the data. Logging, graphing, etc. are freebies with this approach.

The last time I looked at that cable, it was more expensive than an ethernet shield.

Sincerest thanks PaulS - makes perfect sense.

As for the web angle, not sure if the equipment is used entirely in-house, but if so the ethernet shield would indeed be a really neat way to go :slight_smile:

Again - really appreciate the help.

Very best regards.



I apologise if this was taken out of context and in some way caused offence.

No need to apologize. No offense was taken. Just confusion.

2 sensors attached to a PCB that is currently being used to send strings to a PC via RS232

Using a MAX232 chip, you should be able to get data to/from the Arduino, via the hardware serial port, or using NewSoftSerial/SoftwareSerial, via any two digital pins.

Once the Arduino has the data, getting it to the i device is the issue. I'm not sure what issues you have with security, or how many of these devices you need to get data from, or where the devices are located, but, if internet access is a possibility, I'd put an ethernet shield on the Arduino, and put it online. Then, a simple web browser, which the i devices all have, can access the data. Logging, graphing, etc. are freebies with this approach.

The last time I looked at that cable, it was more expensive than an ethernet shield.

FWIW, I'd say yes. While not quite the same, I've been working on something that I wanted to be able to control via my Android phone/tablet. The Arduino is a great platform to develop on, and should fit what you want nicely. I'm using an Arduino uno along with a Bluetooth board to test wireless transmission, and then wrote an android app to be able to control my project. So to somewhat answer your question, yes, it should be the right thing for you.