Devices don't sync anymore

On 3/9 around 3 pm I had problems with connection IOT. The devices connected and after a short time they reboot without any message in logging. This for about 2 hours. Suddenly this stopped and they stayed connected. But now the sync between the devices no longer works. Everything is still properly set, but they no longer take over the value. I see the time changing, but the value is an old one and doesn't do anything anymore. I deleted a sync and made a new one, and it doesn't work either.
What can i do to fix this or what happened?

According to the status page, no outage has been reported.

Are you still experiencing this issue?

About an hour after posting this message, everything apparently went offline, even the dashboards and things could not be reached. After about five minutes I had my dashboard back and the devices went back online and there was communication between the devs again. After that, everything worked normally.
No more problems so far

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