DFPlayer Mini mp3 AD Key Mode

I am trying to use the Mini Player to make a musicbox playing with buttons, no Arduino.
So all the resistors start annother piece. So far so good. But, they don't stop. Actually the last piece is played over and over again.
Is it, that I have to change the Playing Mode, but how?
Or does the Input ADKEY1 need a certain resistor to ground, for not being on "floating", when no button is pressed?
How accurate have the resistors to be? 3.3 kOhm instead of 3 kOhm ok?

apreciate help

Welcome to the forum

Please post a schematic of your project. A 'photo of a hand drawn circuit is good enough

How is the project powered ?

It's powered by an external source. =5V
I followed the these guys DFPlayer Mini Mp3 Player - DFRobot Wiki
under 2. AD KEY Mode

it triggers the right piece and stops others.

But later, the last piece plays over and over again.

So I'm still stuck.

I now tried to change the Playmiode with 200k, the U/SD/SPI with 100k and the LoopAll with 51k. Not one of them worked. And my problem ist still there, :frowning_face:

Hard to help without a full schematic, not textual descriptions. Please show wiring between all pins and buttons, and exact values of your chosen resistors.

I haven't tested this assumption methodically, but I think accuracy needs to be 5% or better.

Ok thanks for your help. In the meantime it works, after x hours. The reason was unappropriate soldering. When I cleaned each gap between the copper stripes, it worked. 3 3k instead of 3k is no problem.
The question about the playmode remains. I didn't find a description. So if anyone has information about these extra functions I mentioned earlier, that would probably help this community.
Thanks to all of you


Not sure without seeing your schematic, but see if post #8 of this thread helps:
