DFRobot 130 DC Motor

Hello everyone,

I have a DFRobot 130 DC Motor and I try to run in an Arduino, however it does not work.
Any Help?

/* 130 DC Motor
 by DFRobot <https:www.dfrobot.com>


int motorPin = 3;       //Motor drive pin D3
int motorSpeed = 150;     //Define motor speed

void setup()
  pinMode(motorPin, OUTPUT);

void loop()
  analogWrite(motorPin, motorSpeed);   //PWM speed control

Is the motor connected directly to the Arduino pin? A pin can only provide about 20mA, much much less than your motor is likely to need.

But you didn't provide a link to the motor's specs.

What result are you getting?

I found it on the 'net (would have been easier if you gave a link though) and I see in the wiki they do run it straight off the Arduino 5V and the analogWrite() is to the motor at a transistor on the motor's board. So if that's how you have it, i guess it should work.

But their Wiki shows it on a DFR expansion shield; maybe it needs external power?

The motor spec doesn't say what current it requires.

Do you have it hooked up like this?


The only link provided by DFRobot is the following:

Yeah that's the one I found.

It is hooked up correctly.

It makes low intensity sound, it is powered up, however it does not spin at all.

What is the power supply?

5 volts.

Five volts from where?

Maybe pwm of 150 is too low to start it- did you try full speed 255?

Their wiki page seems to show it on the Arduino 5V, but I wonder if (unshown) that shield has external power? That wiki is silent on current requirement afaics.

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From the Arduino board.

Just tried it.

No change.

Just tried what? Can you give a schematic of how you hooked it up?

If you hooked up 5V from somewhere else to the motor, with the pwm line from Arduino to motor, the grounds would need to be joined together.

Don't do that. The Arduino is not a power supply.

Use a 4xAA battery pack instead and don't forget to connect the grounds.

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I tried PWM 255 with no result.

Signal is wired to digtal Pin 3.

Copy that!
I will do it.

Yes, This motor is designed to be used with their expansion shield and that is designed to be powered separately.

Do not try to power it directly from the Arduino pins.

So it's making a low humming sound and the fan blades appear "squashed" around the motor ?? Seems a little strange, don't you think?
Suggests a stalled motor from physical restriction ! No?

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