I found it on the 'net (would have been easier if you gave a link though) and I see in the wiki they do run it straight off the Arduino 5V and the analogWrite() is to the motor at a transistor on the motor's board. So if that's how you have it, i guess it should work.
But their Wiki shows it on a DFR expansion shield; maybe it needs external power?
The motor spec doesn't say what current it requires.
Maybe pwm of 150 is too low to start it- did you try full speed 255?
Their wiki page seems to show it on the Arduino 5V, but I wonder if (unshown) that shield has external power? That wiki is silent on current requirement afaics.
So it's making a low humming sound and the fan blades appear "squashed" around the motor ?? Seems a little strange, don't you think?
Suggests a stalled motor from physical restriction ! No?