This should really be basic stuff, my stupidity really must be showing today.
Simply, I don't seem to have any communication between the voice module and the Arduino. I've watched a couple of videos and copied the code they use in their projects without any correct responses. I copied the example code from the DFrobot GIThub with the same results.
I've got the first 4 custom commands set up in the DFRobot as tests, which the unit responds to fine - but I'm getting no feedback about them in the serial monitor when connected to the Arduino. I tried a small section of code to identify them individually, still nothing. (Sorry, overwrote that code trying something else).
The serial monitor is coming up with the "Begin ok!" message - even when the device isn't attached. The code suggests it should say there's no connection;
// Init the sensor
while( !( DF2301Q.begin() ) ) {
Serial.println("Communication with device failed, please check connection");
Serial.println("Begin ok!");
Because of that I don't have a positive way to even see if it's detecting the DFrobot.
After the Begin ok! message I get nothing more.
Does anyone know of a very simple, basic code anywhere for this thing just to test if it's actually talking to the Arduino or not?
Notes : tried on both UNO and Nano, using UART but switching between the two and using the different examples on the site made no difference.
Many thanks.