DFRobotDFPlayerMini library version?

I'm working on (or more accurately 'struggling with') sketches using the library DFRobotDFPlayerMini.h .

While trouble-shooting I saw that there were three instances of it in different folders on my Win 10 PC. But checking shows that they are all identical so I will delete all but

However I'm puzzled about the version.

The introductory comments in all three are identical:

  • @file DFRobotDFPlayerMini.h
  • @brief DFPlayer - An Arduino Mini MP3 Player From DFRobot
  • @n Header file for DFRobot's DFPlayer
  • @copyright DFRobot, 2016
  • @copyright GNU Lesser General Public License
  • @author Angelo
  • @version V1.0.3
  • @date 2016-12-07

In Manage Libaries I see


There is no mention of version 1.0.5 in DFRobotDFPlayerMini.h. And its opening comments have clearly not been updated since 2016. Nor in the CPP file. The absence of '1.0.4' in the drop-down version list further seems to confirm that 1.0.3 is the latest. Also, if I click 'More info', the github page

has no mention of version 1.0.4 or 1.0.5, despite clearly showing 'Update to 1.0.3'.

So where does the IDE get '1.0.5' from?

Are these sort of issues, (careless/misleading documentation and an apparent bug in the IDE) seen across other libraries?

No reply for 8 hours. Why?

Read this link and give it some thoughts: How to get the best out of this forum - Using Arduino / Project Guidance - Arduino Forum

When you run the Library Manager, it downloads a file called library_index.json that contains all that information.

If you go to File->Preferences, at the very bottom of the window, it shows the location of your preferences.txt file which is the same location for the library_index.json file

I do see version 1.0.5, but the file associated with it says version 1.0.3

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Thanks Faraday, helpful.

Confirms my assumption that poor documentation on github is the cause.

I downloaded the zip file listed in the json under 'DFRobotDFPlayerMini-1.0.5' (again) and as expected it's identical to 1.0.3. Seems to me that my other suspicion (an IDE library bug) may also be justified, as I'd have thought a check of some sort would be made on version numbers.

Re-phrasing my earlier question: is this rare?

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