dfuERROR, status(7) = Programmed memory failed verification

Hello Arduinees :slight_smile:
I've just plugged in a new Nano ESP32 to my Win10 PC (on Com4) and tried a couple of basic sketches to test it out.
They download to the Nano fine, but the very last thing it says is:

Download done.
DFU state(7) = dfuMANIFEST, status(0) = No error condition is present
DFU state(10) = dfuERROR, status(7) = Programmed memory failed verification

...and it doesn't run.
Same thing whether I use the Win IDE or browser-IDE.
I can't find any reference to this error in relation to Arduinos any where on the whole wide internets :frowning:
Anyone got any ideas?

What it is telling you is it programmed all of the memory successfully. This indicates the hardware etc cycled through it. It then checked to see if the correct data was programmed in each location. During this process it is telling you it did not match what was programmed to that location therefore the programing portion failed. Try another board and see if it goes away, also try a simple program such as blink.

Can you let us know which basic sketch you tried on the board and got this error? And please share the complete verbose output?

I used the blank sketch. Can't get simpler than that :grin:
The issue was related to the program that was running in it as the new one was downloaded.
The loop was checking a variable and, if 0, Serial.println-ing "not connected". If I connected the thing the serial spam stopped and I could successfully send a new sketch.

Can you share the complete Verbose output here?

I have a similar problem with Arduino nano ESP32

Arduino IDE 2.2.1

Download [======================== ] 99% 888832 bytes
Download [=========================] 100% 890112 bytes
Download done.
DFU state(7) = dfuMANIFEST, status(0) = No error condition is present
DFU state(10) = dfuERROR, status(7) = Programmed memory failed verification

The device is not working correctly.

Trying to load an empty sketch or any other - fails.
But the previously downloaded sketch continues to work.
This confirms the message serial monitor

when connected From serial monitor:

20:36:29.566 -> .
20:36:30.486 -> Connected
20:36:30.486 -> Start Heap: 279316 b
20:36:30.486 -> Init audio out Heap: 279224 b
20:36:30.953 -> play
20:36:30.954 -> Play audio Heap: 273692 b
20:36:30.954 -> Play audio Heap: 273692 b

Also, when you connect the Arduino to power, a new device is added to your home Wi-Fi network.

1 When connecting arduino -windows device manager:
Serial device USB (COM3) - How it was before the problem - I didn’t record it.
Is this possible?

2 When trying to connect the Arduino to flash_download_tool_3.9.4- synchronization does not occur.

In the first and second cases, the device is defined as COM1 or COM3. But more often as COM3.
Before the problem was always defined only as COM1.
At the same time, no other devices were connected to the computer

Hello @zetnick and welcome to the forums. Can you try this recovery procedure and let us know?


Hello ! I knew about this opportunity. But didn't apply this to my problem. I was looking for an opportunity to clear the flash. Your help works! Thank you!

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