Dht11 fatal error

ho installato le librerie di arduino di "dht11.h"
ma a me appare questo messaggio:

block_py:19:10: fatal error: dht11.h: No such file or directory
#include <dht11.h>
compilation terminated.
exit status 1
dht11.h: No such file or directory
Trovata libreria non valida in C:

Welcome to the forum

dht11.h: No such file or directory

The error message is very specific

Have you actually got a library named dht11 installed and if so, where is it located ?

Is the library perhaps called DHT11 ?

Please post your full sketch using < CODE/ > tags when you do

What is that a picture of ?

all downloaded libraries I've installed

Post a list of the folders in the Libraries folder of your Sketchbook folder

I don't see a library named dht11 there, do you ?

I was expcted the one highlighted, if not, do you know which is the correct one and where I could find it ?

It is normal for the name of the folder containing the library to match the name of the .h file. This is not strictly necessary but it does make things easier

Please post the complete sketch that you are trying to compile, using < CODE/ > tags when you do, and tell us where you got it from

Have you tried any of the examples that came with the DFRobot_DH11 library ?

What files are in that highlighted library folder ?

issue solved thanks

For the benefit of anyone reading this topic please explain what the problem was and how you solved it

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