long story short I have tried 3 different libraries (1 on arduino.cc, 1 on adafruit, 1 on github)
and Serial.print for the raw data received from the sensor and always 0's or 255 (255 might have been a fluke since it only showed once on the github library)
errors reported have mostly been timeout errors, with general fault and invalid value thrown into the mix at various configurations
so far it's all been attempted through various digital ports on the Arduino
DHT11 has 4 pins
1 = power
2 = signal (tried port 1-13) (with 10k jumper from power)
3 = dummy
4 = ground
still a greenhorn at writing Arduino code and this is the first sensor I've tried plugging in -- any ideas what I might be missing or data that I haven't reported that would be helpful in finding what direction to be looking?
There have been reports that some sensors have pin 3 and 4 reversed, probably as a quality control/manufacturing issue. If you have issues, consider grounding both pins 3 and 4.
I have been playing with the DHT11 sensors the past couple days and had much the same problem initially. I ended up having the pins reversed, (ie 1 for 4). The label facing AWAY from you, pin 1 is on left.
Would assume you tried already, but it worked for me.
I also got the issue with one sensor coming form china on a small board ... they changed the pins order ... so you should look at the wiring, that my 2cents...