DHT22 + SSD1306 + Attiny85

I am turning to make a minimal weather station using a DHT22 + SSD1306 + Attiny85.
So far I manage to make it works but I am facing minor issues I'd like to solve with your help.

I have false readings of the DHT22, it return sometime the temperature and/or the humidity multiplied by a factor of 2 or 3... or even 0 for both values.

I have an 10k resistor between the DHT22 data pin and 5v vcc.
In Tools the Attiny clock is set to 1mhz... with 8mhz I have a very slow screen refresh rate...

What's wrong ?

#include "SSD1306_minimal.h"
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <dht.h> // AUTHOR: Rob Tillaart VERSION: 0.1.21

#define DHT22PIN 4
#define DEG "\xa7" "C"

SSD1306_Mini oled; // Declare the OLED object
dht DHT22;

float h = 0;
float t = 0;
char buffT[5];
char buffH[5];

void setup() {
  oled.init(0x78); // Initializes the display to the specified address
  oled.clear(); // Clears the display
  delay(1000); // Delay for 1 second

void loop() {

  int chk = DHT22.read22(DHT22PIN);
  dtostrf(DHT22.temperature, 3, 1, buffT);
  dtostrf(DHT22.humidity, 3, 1, buffH);

  oled.clear(); // Clears the display

  oled.cursorTo(0, 0); // x:0, y:0
  oled.cursorTo(0, 10); // x:0, y:23

In Tools the Attiny clock is set to 1mhz... with 8mhz I have a very slow screen refresh rate...

It's impossible that the refresh rate is better at 1MHz than at the 8 times as fast 8MHz.

At 1MHz the Tiny is probably to slow to read the DHT22 reliably. It has to react on pin changes of about 20µs by polling which is very hard to reach.

I tried at 8MHz and I have the same problem :frowning:
Then I use Burn boot loader...
uploaded again and it looks fine now