Diashow code not working, full with errors

that all worked fine i really thank you for this, but now there is one last error that says that the serial port is not selected

Did you select the serial port? It seems that you are skipping over all the introductory basic tutorials about how to use the Arduino. Please don't.

Something tells me, this won't be the last error... unless you slow down, have some patience and explore the normal learning curve for using the Arduino.

There are tutorials for that, on this same site.

i couldnt select it, because the "port" option is grey when you open it under tools
i looked it up on the internet but no solution

Is your Arduino plugged into the PC? With or without the GLCD display connected to the Mega?

Have you ever uploaded any sketch at all to the Mega before? Really, if not you should try uploading something simple like the Blink sketch, just to get some confidence.

this is my second acc, i cant answer you due to that im new and have a limit of answers, everything is plugged in and i cant upload blink with the same error

Opening a second account violates the forum rules. Have you consulted the resources I suggested for you, yes or no? See my reply #22.

You are not the first person to set up a Mega for the first time, that is why the introductory tutorials and troubleshooting guides exist.

i read some things and tutorials on that website yes, but i didnt know that it violates the rules im sorry, i will delete this acc later and i wanted to reply you

so i created this acc

It wouldn't be necessary, if you would just go do some research. You've had 3 days to do it, according to your previous post.

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