I bought a Arduino starter pack + expansion pack some time ago. I followed the instructions for the lessons and I learned a lot. Never had a problem with the board.
Due to other things I didn't find the time to continue for a while but yesterday I could proceed.
The next lesson was with an LCD screen: standard 2 line LCD screen.
I made the wiring with the LCD and the board, plugged the Arduino board in the USB board : Board got power and the LCD screen turns on.
But when I tried to upload the sketch from the lesson, I got the message: "programmer is not responding".
I tried it on 3 different computers (win8 and win 7) and everytime I got the same message.
Is it possible I blew up the board with this lesson?
Or it there something else? Just hardware failure?
"plugged the arduino board in the usb board" ? What starter pack and expansion pack is this? I don't know of any that have a separate "USB Board", so please provide more info!
Can you show us how you have it wired?
I'd say you probably forgot something minor.
"plugged the arduino board in the usb board" ? What starter pack and expansion pack is this? I don't know of any that have a separate "USB Board", so please provide more info!
Can you show us how you have it wired?
I'd say you probably forgot something minor.
I bought a sunfounder starterpack and an Sunfounder starter kit (= expansion pack with components).
I followed the lessons up until the lesson to control an LCD screen: "starter kit lesson 9 LCD1602".
I wired it like the manual (= same as the Fritzing file on the CD).
Like allways, the last thing I do is to connect the Arduino with a USB cable to the USB port on the computer to upload the sketch. I never had a problem but with the last projekt I got the message " .... programmer is not responding ...."
I disconnected everything to try a simple 1 led sketch but I got the same message.
Because 2 other PC's, even with another USB cable give me the same message everytime, I suppose the problem is with the board.
Is it possible I connected something wrong? Or a faulty LCD?