What is the difference between an accelerometer, a gyroscope and a magnetometer. What are they going to output? And when is the data to change?
Im unsure which i should use for my project, and i would like it to learn that ^^
What is the difference between an accelerometer, a gyroscope and a magnetometer. What are they going to output? And when is the data to change?
Im unsure which i should use for my project, and i would like it to learn that ^^
Google can help.
Accelerometer measures the change in speed. But it also measures earth gravity.
It measures the g-forces, but also how much you are bouncing when you dance.
Gyro measures the change in rotation.
A balancing robot benefits a lot from the accelerometer + gyro data when they both are used in a filter, for example the Kalman filter.
Magnetometer is a compass.
The accelerometer and gyro sensors do drift, so after a while the direction is not known anymore. A magnetermeter measures the earth magnetic field so the orientation is known. It is a compass, nothing else.
Okay, maybe there is something else: a compass points north, and the magnetometer points downward into the earth (on the norther part of the world) because that is how the magnetic field of the earth is.
Try them all ! the MPU-6050 and HMC5883L are very cheap on Ebay.
Ok thanks
Gonna order them today ^^