Difference between Arduino Ethernet and Arduino Uno + Ethernet Shield

Hi there,

This is my first post so sorry if it's in the wrong forum. I've searched bu t can't seem to find a clear answer to my question, which is... Please can someone explain the differences between using an single Arduino Ethernet over an Arduino Uno + Ethernet Shield combo?

I'd like to experiment and tinker, but being new to Arduino I want to keep things as simple as possible. In time, I want to build a small networked device with the Nokia 6100 LCD connected to it:

So, the second part of my question asks if the colour LCD shield is compatible with both of these configurations (single Arduino Ethernet, or Arduino Uno + Ethernet Shield combo). Are there any pin incompatibilities for example?

I'm a noob so don't want to run before I can walk -- I'll work through the tutorials and tinker first -- but I don't want to end up buying boards that I can't use down the line.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Please can someone explain the differences between using an single Arduino Ethernet over an Arduino Uno + Ethernet Shield combo?

The number of boards used. And the price.

So, the second part of my question asks if the colour LCD shield is compatible with both of these configurations (single Arduino Ethernet, or Arduino Uno + Ethernet Shield combo). Are there any pin incompatibilities for example?

The shield uses SPI, as does the Ethernet and SD card. The LCD shield appears to use pin 9 as the chip select pin. The ethernet shield/board uses pin 10 as the chip select pin. The SD card uses pin 4. So, it appears as though the hardware will all work together.

Thanks for your reply Paul - greatly appreciated :slight_smile: