Hi everyone,
I'm playing with SHT21 sensors and a library found on Github (https://github.com/misenso/SHT2x-Arduino-Library),
and I found a strange issue. It works pretty well if I try it on windows 7 pro 64bit and then if boot and try it on linux (ubuntu 12.04 64bit), it compile, upload but results are odd:
Humidity(%RH): -5.82 Temperature(C): -46.84
Humidity(%RH): -5.79 Temperature(C): -46.85
Humidity(%RH): -5.79 Temperature(C): -46.85
Humidity(%RH): -5.79 Temperature(C): -46.17
Humidity(%RH): -5.82 Temperature(C): -46.17
Humidity(%RH): -5.82 Temperature(C): -46.17
I'm trying to understand why by looking the source code of library but need some clue... (endian issue?)
So what difference(s) between compil on ubuntu and linux?