Different 5V Regulators for Due?

I'm trying to identify the 5V regulator on my two Due boards and noticed that they are different. The Eagle files from the product page only show one version of the board (the bottom one in the attached pic) but I need to identify the one on the top. The letters on the package are of no help as usual.

The top Due is marked as Due R3 whereas the bottom Due is marked as Due R3-E.

Thanks for any insight!

Did you check at Arduino.org to see if there are schematics for the top board posted?
The bottom board appears to have a 'big' inductor for a switching power supply perhaps, while the top one does not.

The Arduino.cc Due's 5V switching regulator, with 10uH inductor

Did you check at Arduino.org to see if there are schematics for the top board posted?
The bottom board appears to have a 'big' inductor for a switching power supply perhaps, while the top one does not.

Found it! It's crazy that I had no idea there is a Arduino.org as opposed to Arduino.cc. Arduino.org has the different Eagle files for the two different versions. Oddly, Arduino.org doesn't seem to show up for any of the Google searches I've tried.