Hi All,
I have 5 different MPU6050 on one mechanic. I'm using Jeff's DMP6 code and I am especially interested in pitch and roll values from "OUTPUT_READABLE_YAWPITCHROLL".
I already calibrated All 5 MPU with "MPU6050_calibration.ino" All sensors gives me "0 degree" when they placed in horizontal position, with package letters facing up. Also I'm getting "90 degree"(almost) they placed vertical.
When i place sensors in for example 45 degree all of them shows different angles between 43-47, this error follows me in different angles. i have no error on vertical and horizontal planes but there is a non lineer error occurs between 0-90 degree and its not same for all. Supply voltage and ambient temperature is same for all and i read sensors from 5 different comport.
I suspect for calibration process and try a lot of time to calibrate each other but nothing changed. DMP6 code works perfect, there is no freeze or connection problem but this difference makes me crazy >:(