different delay

Hello all,

I am new to Arduino...

playing with Timer1...

using 2 LEDs... one on pin 13 , second on pin 5...

Wrote little code:


#include <TimerOne.h>

int a;
int a1;
int b;
int b1;
void setup() {

void loop(){
  for (a=0; a<=50; a++){
    a1 = a1 ^ 1;
void chk(){

  for (a=0; a<=50; a++){
    b1 = b1 ^ 1;


Can somebody explain me why in Void loop - LED blink in 200mS rhythm and in void chk, LED on pin 5 blink so fast that it looks like 1 blink ?

if you put 20000 instead of 200 in void chk then you can see it realy blinks...


Thx Delta_G...

That was fast :slight_smile:

So, as I have something serious on my mind, where can I find what is also dependable of interrupts... What am I not supposed to put in that part of program?

where can I find what is also dependable of interrupts... What am I not supposed to put in that part of program?


Noticed that Serial is acting wierd....

TNX again.

if you want (near) identical behavior then within setup()Timer1.initialize(200000UL); and change void chk() to

void chk(){
   b1 = b1 ^ 1;

Yes, Deva_Rishi...

so interrupt would happen every 200mS and I will have change on pin 5...

My point was to understand behaviour of "delay" in ISR.

TNX anyway...

Lesson learned = dont use Delay (or Serial) in ISR
