Different motors speed?

So i have 2 motors connected to a ESC each and both ESC's are connected to battery, GND on the arduino board and two different pins (8 and 9).

Servo M1;
Servo M2;

I initiate them with :


After that i can change the speed using the command

But the problem is, each motor accepts different values. Like if I set both of them on 1300, they will have different speeds.
M1's minimum value is 1160 , M2's minimum is 1080.
So why is this difference and how to fix this?

Are the Motors identical? Does one have a different stepping Ratio than the other?

ESC's can be calibrated. Look at the instructions for the ESC to find out how. For example, ESC's running the SimonK firmware use this process:

8. How to do throttle calibration
Disconnect the battery. Push your radio throttle to maximum, 
connect the battery, wait for the 3 beeps (di da di), wait for 1s, you 
will hear a short beep (di). Then immediately lower the throttle to minimum. 
You will then hear another unique 2 beeps (di di), indicating you are setting
 the low value. If you hear a long beep, it means the low throttle set. 
Disconnect the battery, throttle calibration is done. If you hear a short beep, 
it means low throttle set failed. You need to do the calibration again.

Are the Motors identical? Does one have a different stepping Ratio than the other?

They are identical.

You probably need a set of variables for each motor which you can adjust to get values that give the same RPM. I certainly would not expect the same number to give the exact same RPM. There will be some variations in the ESCs and more variation in the motors.


Many people re-flash ESCs to get predictable and fast response for use with quadcopters - worth